If  you educate a man, you educate an individual; if you educate a woman, you educate a whole nation.
If you educate both genders you break mediocre barriers  and promote continues development for the nation

Arise and shine for your light has come, ye new generation;
This is a generation of giants

Every encounter  with education changes one’s state of mind and instils the person with nuggets of knowledge for a life time

Some children are in school whiles others  are  being starved   the opportunity of being in school
The benefit of education is like a precious Diamond

Education is not limited to only the classroom and the guarantee of certificates; but the various ways one can gain full grasp of personal development in making their dreams a reality

With education, we can speak for our rights and will bring change through our voice
Let’s wage a glorious war against indiscipline, illiteracy and poverty through education

Let us pick our books and pens for they will deliver great testimonies
One child, one teacher, one pen, one book can change the world

Let’s say bye to our old ritual thinking of education and embrace the new thought like never before
Our country needs lawyers, doctors, security personnel, farmers, scientists, engineers, etc to help promote sustainable development

This will only see the light of the day if we support our educational system, refurbishing old structures, enhancing access, quality and equity

My countrymen, our country will be a better place if all and sundry get educated
Education is a Key to Progress

Samuel Elijah Boateng
President, The Central Focus


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