To the individual whose hope is in the Lord, is not perturbed by the ravaging disturbance of economic downturn. The reason for the many unrests and the fear of a bleak future is simply because  of whom they have put their faith in.


Do you believe in the creator of the universe?

Do you believe in the possibilities of God?


If you do believe in Him, you will continually be hopeful, knowing very well your future is brighter.

Jeremiah 33:14  Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.

If God should literally reveal to you, His plans and purposes for your life in the coming years; your whole demeanor and reverence to the promises of God will change. Truth be told, He keeps revealing His goods plans for us in His word.

The reason for the doubts and chartering our own course is simply because we have bowed to the deceptions portrayed by the world.

We are a people with great future. Let us not allow our present challenges to become a fulcrum to surrender our destiny to defeat.  Nobles like Job tell us of the wonders of God when we allow Him to have His way. Like Abraham, from nothing into prominence and similarly Joseph- a slave to becoming a Prime minister.

Do not bow to the pressures of the (Crowd), but be determined to follow the Cloud (God’s leading).

Dear friend, the future is unpretentious to the one who surrenders his or her will to the Lord. No matter what will befall this generation courtesy of endtime prophesies, we will still remain victorious. As long as we allow our Lord Jesus Christ to be the shepherd of our lives, we will not be endangered by a bleak future.

Do not look down on yourself, you are destined for greatness. It is not your connection that will determine your future tomorrow, but how much you are willing to invest in your assignment to take you to the topmost top in life.

Be assured of an exciting future as you  continually align to the will of  God.


Samuel  Elijah  Boateng

The  Central Focus



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