For how long will Africa be ridiculed as a third world country? For how long will our continent be seen as a place of no refuge and hope? Will the inhabitants of this continent suffer depression and think there is no future for them? Cheer up! Dear African Child, there is hope for you.  Very soon the mind-sets of a bleak future will be dethroned.  There is hope for Africa, but the continent has to do more in the areas of capacity building, transformative leadership, and the development of the right mind-set.  To say that one has hope for the future of Africa is not to deny or underestimate the very considerable challenges Africa faces, many of which are made in Africa and many of which are the consequence of a global context marred by idolatries, the ideological distortion of global market dynamics and international politics. Africa, the continent of hope, was not only envisioned by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, Julius Nyerere, Nelson Mandela, and other leaders who fought for the independence of their beloved countries.  I am optimistic  that very shortly the narrative of Africa will be changed with a rising youth who are proud of this continent  to herald the greatness of this continent. These rising youth  will be audacious and nation builders. I am pleased that the African Union has consistently placed a special focus on gender equality and women’s empowerment. When we empower women, we empower the world. Drastic change is coming soon! I have been privileged to travel to about fourteen regions in Ghana and made extensive research about other countries in Africa. Our challenges and crises seem synonymous but there is light at the end of the tunnel for this continent. A season of oneness will just engulf us. From a higher foresight perspective platform of cooperation, we can see the whole picture  of a new hopeful continent With that perspective, I have no doubt we can win the battle for sustainable and inclusive development which are also the best weapons to prevent conflict and suffering, allowing Africa to shine even more vibrantly and inspire the world.

The church is a beacon of hope for Africa. Wherever the church is, the is civilization and progress. Let us look at the United States of  America. They are the only country in the world which has ‘In God We Trust’ on their currency. What a trade secret to receive the blessings from God; making them a prosperous nation. To say that one has hope for Africa, as I do, is not only a confession of belief but also a recognition of a calling. Hope is not only the virtue of anticipating the blessing of a loving God; it is also the  virtue that serves as the precondition for the exercise of courageous action. To accept the gift of hope is to accept the calling to courageous action. To say that one has hope for Africa is to recognize that a key element in the future of Africa will be the life of communities of faith that recognize and proclaim that hope is ultimately anchored in Christ, whose present and future reign is the ultimate context within which courageous action finds its meaning and direction. The hope for Africa is a Christian hope, nurtured in the celebration of the sacraments, the study of the biblical scriptures, the practice of prayer, and finding courageous expression in every human vocation and in our vocational contributions to the common good. Practicing hope for the future of Africa demands honesty and attentiveness in the study of the challenges the continent faces, seriousness in the cultivation of the skills necessary for courageous action in addressing these challenges.  If we understand that employment and economic success cannot be separated from the complex system of youth upbringing, then we will begin to enable millions of young people to discover and begin to live out their purpose; to see deep change in our societies. This will open the floodgates of creativity and explorations.

Dear African child, there is greatness in our continent. There are mind-blowing opportunities in this continent. I am not side-lining the impact from Europe, Asia and other continents, but until we appreciate the greatness God has bestowed on us, we will  wander in other places and not fulfil our destinies.

Cheer up dear African Child, you are the next leader to rewrite the story of this continent.

Written by:

Samuel Elijah Boateng

President, The Central Focus


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