The impact of God’s servant Reinhard Bonnke cannot be denied globally. It is in light of this, the Central Focus celebrate a man who was sold out for the Kingdom of God and whose life has become an example to millions of people all over the world.

 If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Romans 14:8

In the words of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, ‘’I discovered that no revival comes if we don't preach the Word of God under the anointing of the Holy Spirit’’.


Reinhard Bonnke was a renowned Christian evangelist and missionary who dedicated his life to spreading the word of God and proclaiming the gospel. Born on April 19, 1940, in Königsberg, East Prussia, Germany. Bonnke was raised in a devout Christian family and from an early age, he felt a calling to share the message of Jesus Christ with the world.  Bonnke's passion for evangelism led him to travel across Africa, where he held massive crusades that drew millions of people. He founded the organization Christ for All Nations (CfaN), which became one of the world's largest evangelistic ministries, reaching out to millions of people in Africa and beyond.

Bonnke's preaching style was dynamic and powerful, and he was known for his boldness in proclaiming the gospel. His messages were often centered on the love and grace of God, and he believed that every person has the opportunity to experience the transforming power of Jesus Christ.

Throughout his career, Bonnke inspired countless people, both through his preaching and through the exemplary life he lived. He was a man of deep faith and conviction, and his legacy continues to impact individuals and communities around the world.

On December 7, 2019, Bonnke passed away at the age of 79, leaving behind a rich legacy of evangelism and faith. His impact on the world will be felt for generations to come, as countless individuals continue to be transformed by the message of hope and salvation that he shared so passionately.



Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke heard the call to the African mission field before he was a teenager. He attended Bible College in Wales and was ordained in Germany where he and his wife, Anni, pastored a small church until 1967 when, in obedience to his childhood call, they embarked on missionary life in Africa in the small mountain kingdom of Lesotho.

Evangelist Bonnke began holding meetings in a tent that accommodated just 800 people, but, as attendance steadily increased, larger and larger tents had to be purchased, until finally, in 1984, he commissioned the construction of the world’s largest mobile structure at the time — a tent capable of seating 34,000 people! Soon, attendance at his meetings exceeded the capacity of even this huge structure, and he began open-air Gospel Campaigns with an initial gathering of over 150,000 people per service! From then on, he conducted city-wide meetings across the continent using towering sound systems that could be heard for miles. The largest recorded attendance in such an open-air meeting was in the city of Lagos during the “Millennium Crusade in November, 2000, when over 1.6 million people thronged the field to hear the Gospel!

Reinhard Bonnke held the first Fire Conference in Harare, Zimbabwe, in 1986. Since then these events have taken place around the globe, equipping church leaders and workers for evangelism. He was also the visionary behind a program to mail a compelling Gospel message, written by him, to every home in many countries around the world. It was known as ‘Minus to Plus’. As always, he sought every opportunity to reach and save the lost!



In 1974, the Holy Spirit spoke to Reinhard in a recurring dream about “a blood-washed Africa,” he founded Christ for All Nations, becoming the inspiring visionary who always spoke of “plundering hell to populate heaven,” a dedicated preacher who saw “signs following” as the necessary evidence of the power of the Gospel to save, heal, and deliver.

Christ for all Nations (CfAN) is a large, global evangelistic organization founded by Reinhard Bonnke in 1974. The ministry is focused on reaching the unreached and sharing the message of salvation through Jesus Christ. CfAN has held evangelistic crusades in hundreds of cities in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America, resulting in millions of people declaring faith in Christ. The ministry also trains and equips local pastors and evangelists to continue disciple-making efforts in their communities. Currently led by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, CfAN continues to impact nations with the good news of Jesus Christ.

Christ for All Nations continues to be committed to linking new believers with the local church and integrating them into a life of discipleship. As part of the follow-up program, over 185 million copies of the CfaN booklet, “Now That You Are Saved,” have been published, in 103 languages and printed in 55 countries. Both these Gospel booklets Evangelist Bonnke gave to CfaN royalty free, a gift that keeps on giving! There is a great hunger for the Word, and millions of other teaching books have been produced for free distribution, and “seeded” into nations around the world. He also spent several years developing the “Full Flame Film Series” – eight inspirational films aimed at activating the church to Holy Spirit evangelism. These are made available free of charge in many languages online. In the almost 50 years since he founded the ministry, CfaN has opened offices across the globe, staffed by team members who all display the same call to soul-winning that he was known for.

Reinhard Bonnke’s passion for the Gospel endured until the day he died. During his over 50 years of ministry he preached it “in season and out of season,” wherever in the world the door opened to him, but Africa always remained his primary call. He loved to thunder “Africa shall be saved!” and these words still echo wherever the name of Reinhard Bonnke is known.




Reinhard Bonnke  devoted his life to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in different parts of the world. He had a tremendous impact on the Christian faith, particularly in Africa.

Below are some of the ways Reinhard Bonnke impacted the world:


Bonnke conducted some of the largest Christian crusades in history, with millions of people attending his events in Africa. Through these crusades, thousands of people came to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.


Bonnke's evangelistic approach touched many lives and brought hope to the hopeless. He preached the message of salvation and deliverance and encouraged people to accept Jesus Christ as their saviour.


Bonnke's ministry helped establish several churches in Africa, which provided a platform for the Gospel to be preached and disciples to be trained.


Bonnke's ministry provided training and equipping of local pastors and evangelists in Africa. This helped to raise a new generation of leaders who could continue the work and impact of the Gospel in their respective communities.


Bonnke's ministry was marked by signs and wonders, with countless people experiencing supernatural healing and deliverance from demonic oppression.


Reinhard Bonnke leaves behind a legacy that continues to inspire millions of Christians worldwide. His life and ministry challenge us to live boldly and faithfully for Christ, no matter the cost.


Reinhard Bonnke was an exceptional Evangelist and missionary who impacted the world with his message of salvation, deliverance, and healing. His life and ministry continue to inspire and challenge Christians to live for Christ and advance His kingdom. Evangelist Bonnke is survived by his beloved wife, Anni, three children, Kai-Uwe, Gabriele, and Susanne, and eight grandchildren.


 Samuel Elijah Boateng

President, The Central Focus 




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