Smith Wigglesworth's legacy endures as a beacon of faith and supernatural encounters. His impact on the body of Christ remains relevant and influential, as his teachings and example continue to inspire believers to pursue a vibrant and dynamic relationship with God, marked by faith, healing, and a reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit.

Smith Wigglesworth (1859 – 1947) was a prominent British evangelist and faith healer, known for his strong faith, miraculous healing ministry, and passionate preaching. He is considered a key figure in the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements and is renowned for his profound impact on the spiritual landscape of the 20th century.

He grew up in a poor family and had limited formal education. At the age of seven, he began working in factories to help support his family. Despite his humble background, Wigglesworth showed an early interest in Christianity. He had his own personal encounter with God's transformative power in 1875 when he attended a revival meeting led by the Salvation Army. This experience marked the turning point in his life, as he gave his heart to Christ and committed himself to a life of faith.

Wigglesworth's ministry gained prominence for its emphasis on divine healing, spiritual gifts, and the power of faith. He believed in the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit as described in the New Testament, including speaking in tongues, prophecy, and healing. He gained a reputation for his healing ministry, where he prayed for the sick and saw numerous remarkable healings take place. People with various illnesses and afflictions reported being healed after his prayers. Wigglesworth attributed these healings to his unwavering faith in God's healing power.

Wigglesworth's powerful preaching style was characterized by a straightforward approach and a deep reliance on the Bible. His messages often focused on the importance of salvation, faith, holiness, and the fullness of the Holy Spirit. He believed in the importance of living a life fully surrendered to God and continuously sought to inspire others to experience the same. His influence extended beyond his healing ministry. Wigglesworth's writings and sermons have been compiled into books, which continue to impact readers and inspire them to pursue a deeper relationship with God.



Smith Wigglesworth had a profound impact on the body of Christ, particularly within the context of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements. His ministry, teachings, and example continue to influence and shape the way many Christians understand faith, healing, the Holy Spirit, and the power of God. Here are some key ways in which Smith Wigglesworth impacted the body of Christ:


1. Emphasis on Faith and Miracles:

Wigglesworth's ministry placed a strong emphasis on the role of faith in the life of a believer. He believed in the power of faith to move mountains and saw numerous miraculous healings and supernatural manifestations as a result of his unwavering trust in God's promises. His life and teachings inspired countless individuals to develop a deeper, more active faith in God's ability to intervene in their lives.


2. Healing Ministry:

One of Wigglesworth's most significant contributions was his healing ministry. He prayed for the sick and saw remarkable healings take place, often attributing them to the power of God and the faith of the individual being prayed for. This emphasis on divine healing contributed to a renewed interest in supernatural healing within the Christian community and inspired many to believe in God's ability to bring physical restoration.


3. Holy Spirit's Work:

Wigglesworth was a proponent of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of spiritual gifts. He believed in the continuation of the gifts described in the New Testament, such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and healing. His teachings and experiences encouraged believers to seek a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit and to embrace the fullness of His work in their lives.


4. Bold Preaching and Evangelism:

Wigglesworth's preaching style was characterized by its boldness and directness. He fearlessly proclaimed the Gospel message and challenged listeners to make a decision for Christ. His passion for evangelism and his conviction that salvation was available to all motivated many to share their faith and reach out to the lost.


5. Inspiration to Future Leaders and Ministers:

Wigglesworth's life story, filled with testimonies of healing, transformed lives, and powerful encounters with God, continues to inspire pastors, leaders, and ministers around the world. His commitment to a life fully surrendered to God's will serves as a model for those who aspire to impact their communities and the world for Christ.


6. Contributions to Literature:

Wigglesworth's teachings and sermons were compiled into books that have been widely read and distributed. His writings have served as resources for spiritual growth, teaching, and encouragement. Many believers have found guidance and inspiration through his books, deepening their understanding of faith, healing, and the Holy Spirit.

Smith Wigglesworth's legacy is felt not only within the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements but also across various denominational lines. His emphasis on faith, healing, and the Holy Spirit's work has left an indelible mark on modern Christianity. Many individuals and ministries credit their spiritual growth and healing experiences to his teachings and example. His life story continues to be a source of inspiration for believers who seek a vibrant and dynamic walk with God.

Smith Wigglesworth passed away on March 12, 1947, leaving behind a rich legacy of faith, healing, and fervent devotion to Christ. His life serves as a reminder that a simple and sincere faith in God can lead to extraordinary encounters with His presence and power.

Samuel Elijah  Boateng
President, The Central Focus


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