Meet Manuella Ansong, affectionately called Ella Chris Kuhlman a woman whose life is a testament to the profound love she harbors for the Lord. From the gentle warmth of her smile to the kindness that graces every interaction, Ella's presence is a living reflection of her unwavering devotion to her spiritual journey.

Ella's journey with the Lord has been  woven with threads of devotion, grace, and an unyielding commitment to living a life aligned with her beliefs. Her love for the Lord permeates every aspect of her existence, becoming not just a facet of her identity but the very essence that shapes her character.

In a world often bustling with noise and distractions, Ella stands as a beacon of serenity, drawing others toward the peaceful harbor of her faith. Whether in quiet moments of reflection or the fervent sharing of her spiritual experiences, Ella's passion for the Lord is contagious, touching the hearts of those fortunate enough to cross paths with her.

With an open heart and a spirit brimming with gratitude, Ella approaches life as a divine journey. Her love for the Lord is not confined to the walls of a sanctuary; it spills into her relationships, infusing them with compassion and understanding. Ella's life is a living testament to the transformative power of faith, a journey where love for the Lord becomes the guiding light through every twist and turn.

As we delve into the chapters of Ella's life, we discover not just a woman who loves the Lord, but a soul deeply connected to a higher purpose. Through her story, Ella invites us to contemplate the beauty that unfolds when one's heart is captivated by the divine, and every step is taken in the light of the Lord's love.


Born into a well-to-do family, Ella had everything one could wish for – material comforts, a prestigious family name, and a future paved with privilege. Yet, deep within the opulence of her surroundings, she felt an emptiness that wealth could not fill.


One day, a chance encounter with a local church event led Ella to discover the teachings of Jesus Christ. The message resonated with her, touching a chord she never knew existed. Slowly, but surely, Ella found herself drawn into a spiritual journey that would alter the course of her life forever.

In the midst of her quest for spiritual understanding, Ella stumbled upon the teachings and life story of a remarkable woman – Kathryn Kuhlman. Kuhlman's life, marked by humility and an unwavering commitment to sharing the love of Christ, became a beacon for Ella. Inspired by Kuhlman's dedication, Ella decided to embrace her newfound faith wholeheartedly.

As she progressed through her senior high school years, Ella's transformation became evident to those around her. The once-privileged girl now carried herself with humility and grace. Her focus shifted from the pursuit of worldly success to a deeper connection with God.

Under the mentorship of the late Kathryn Kuhlman, albeit through her recorded sermons and writings, Ella began to understand the true essence of spreading the gospel. Kuhlman's words echoed in her heart, compelling her to share the transformative power of faith with others.

Despite the challenges and skepticism she faced from peers and even some family members, Ella remained steadfast in her commitment. She didn't shy away from conversations about Jesus, and her passion for spreading the good news became infectious.

During her senior high school years, Ella initiated and actively participated in various prayer groups and outreach programs. Her once extravagant lifestyle took a backseat to the simplicity of her newfound purpose. It wasn't about wealth or status anymore; it was about the profound love and joy she discovered through her faith.

Ella's humility and dedication to Christ became a source of inspiration for many, and her story touched the hearts of those who witnessed her transformation. Through her unwavering commitment to serving God and sharing His love, Ella exemplified the essence of a humble servant.

From the corridors of opulence to the simplicity of serving others, Ella's journey is a testament to the profound impact of a life surrendered to the teachings of Jesus Christ.



 Samuel  Elijah  Boateng

President, The Central Focus 




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