It is with a sense of deep respect and admiration that we introduce Pastor David Ibiyeomie, a beacon of faith and a leader who has touched countless lives. Born in Nigeria in 1962, his journey has been one of unwavering dedication to serving God and uplifting humanity.

Pastor Ibiyeomie is most renowned as the founder and presiding pastor of Salvation Ministries, a flourishing church with its headquarters in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. His influence, however, extends far beyond the walls of this impressive structure. Through his impactful television ministry, "Hour of Salvation," he has reached millions across the globe, spreading the word of God and inspiring individuals with his powerful messages.

Beyond his captivating sermons, Pastor Ibiyeomie is a prolific author, sharing his wisdom and insights through various publications like "Secrets for Generational Impact: Living Successfully to Change Your World." He is also a visionary leader, spearheading the construction of a 120,000-seat temple, a testament to his commitment to creating a space for even greater spiritual growth and community.

Pastor Ibiyeomie's impact is not limited to the realm of the church. He is a strong advocate for education, actively supporting various initiatives that empower young minds. His dedication to social responsibility shines through his various philanthropic endeavors, leaving a lasting positive impact on the lives of many.

Throughout his formative years, Pastor David's unwavering commitment to his faith served as the cornerstone upon which his life's purpose was built. Like a sculptor chiseling away at marble, every trial and tribulation only served to refine his character, shaping him into the vessel through which God's grace would flow unimpeded.

Central to Pastor David's journey of transformation was the divine encounter with Bishop David Oyedepo, a pivotal moment that would forever alter the course of his life. Under the mentorship of Bishop Oyedepo, Pastor David's spiritual acumen blossomed, as he imbibed the timeless wisdom and principles that would serve as the bedrock of his ministry. 

With an unwavering resolve and an unshakeable faith, Pastor David embarked on a journey marked by audacity and conviction. His ministry became a beacon of hope for the lost and weary, a sanctuary where the broken-hearted found solace and redemption. Through his teachings, countless lives have been transformed, and souls have been ushered into the light of salvation.

Pastor David's impact transcends the confines of the pulpit; it reverberates through the halls of society, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of humanity. His philanthropic endeavors have touched the lives of the less fortunate, providing succor to the downtrodden and marginalized. Whether through educational initiatives, healthcare programs, or humanitarian aid, Pastor David's compassion knows no bounds.

Today, as Pastor David stands on the precipice of a new chapter in his ministry, the Hand of God Cathedral stands as a testament to his unwavering faith and God's faithfulness. This monumental edifice, soon to be dedicated to the glory of God, symbolizes the culmination of Pastor David's lifelong commitment to serving a higher purpose.

As we reflect on the remarkable journey of Pastor David Ibiyeomie, let us be reminded that greatness is not defined by the trappings of wealth or fame but by the depth of one's character and the magnitude of their impact. Let us draw inspiration from his example, knowing that our humble beginnings need not dictate our destiny. With faith as our compass and perseverance as our guide, we too can rise above adversity and leave an indelible mark on the world.

In honoring Pastor David Ibiyeomie, we honor not just a man, but a legacy—a legacy of faith, resilience, and unwavering devotion to the cause of Christ. May his life continue to inspire generations to come, and may his ministry serve as a beacon of hope in a world yearning for the transformative power of God's love.

Samuel  Elijah Boateng

President, EPH

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