HELL is a big scam: Well, Don’t be deceived!

Few concepts have shrouded the notion of Hell. While some dismiss it as a mere fabrication, a relic of ancient superstition, countless others have found solace and purpose in the belief of its existence.

The concept of Hell, as depicted in various religious texts, is a place of eternal separation from God, a realm of suffering and torment reserved for those who have rejected His divine love and mercy. It is a stark contrast to the heavenly paradise promised to the righteous, a place of unimaginable bliss and eternal communion with the divine.

Throughout history, countless individuals have testified to the reality of Hell, either through personal experiences or through the accounts of others. From religious leaders and saints to ordinary people, their testimonies have served as a powerful reminder of the eternal consequences of our choices in this life.

While some may argue that the concept of Hell is a tool used to manipulate and control people, the truth is that it is a reflection of the divine justice and holiness. God, as a just and loving creator, cannot allow evil to go unpunished. The existence of Hell serves as a warning, a call to repentance, and a reminder of the importance of living a life that is pleasing to Him.

The notion of Hell is not a mere fabrication but a timeless truth that has been affirmed by countless individuals throughout history. It is a reminder of the eternal consequences of our choices and a call to embrace the path of righteousness and salvation.


One truth remains unchanging: God loves us with an everlasting love. His heart beats with compassion, mercy, and an unwavering desire that none should perish. His love is not a distant echo but a tangible, powerful force that seeks to draw us into a deep relationship with Him. The Bible tells us, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). This verse is not just a comforting phrase; it is a proclamation of God’s heart for humanity.

Yet, as we journey through life, many have chosen paths that lead far from His embrace. In a world overflowing with distractions, temptations, and the allure of self-reliance, countless souls wander, forgetting the divine purpose for which they were created. God has given us free will, a gift of immense responsibility. But in exercising this gift, so many have forgotten the reality of Heaven and the horror of Hell.

Hell is not a scam; it is a reality. The Bible warns us repeatedly, calling us to awaken from our spiritual slumber. Jesus spoke more about Hell than anyone else in Scripture, not to frighten us but to urge us to choose life. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it” (Matthew 7:13). These words are not a threat; they are a warning from a loving Father who knows what lies ahead for those who reject His mercy.

Yet, in His infinite grace, God does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked. “As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live” (Ezekiel 33:11). He longs for each of us to turn from our own ways and walk with Him on the path that leads to life.

Think of the wonders He has created, the marvels that reveal His divine craftsmanship. The stars that light up the night sky, the oceans that sing of His majesty, the mountains that stand firm in their testimony of His greatness — all these point us to a Creator who is not only mighty but also deeply personal. He knows each of us by name and counts every hair on our heads (Luke 12:7). He is not distant or uncaring but intimately involved in our lives, rejoicing over our victories and weeping over our waywardness.

Yet, how often do we turn a deaf ear to His calling? How often do we allow the noise of the world to drown out His still, small voice? The world tells us that Heaven and Hell are fairy tales, myths designed to control us. But Heaven is real, and so is Hell. Heaven is a place of indescribable joy, where every tear will be wiped away, where death and sorrow and pain will be no more (Revelation 21:4). It is the eternal home that God has prepared for those who love Him, a place where we will live in perfect harmony with Him forever.

Hell, on the other hand, is a place of torment, a place where the soul is separated from the love and light of God for all eternity. Jesus described it as a place of “weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 13:42). It is not God's desire for anyone to end up there. He is constantly reaching out, offering grace, forgiveness, and a way back to Him. But He also respects our free will; He will not force Himself upon us.

God’s love is not passive; it is an active, pursuing love. The Scriptures tell us that “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). Even now, His heart is moved with compassion for those who have wandered away, who have fallen into sin, who feel lost and beyond hope.

Oh, beloved, do not be deceived! Heaven is not a reward for the perfect; it is the destination for the forgiven. Hell is not a punishment for those who have made mistakes; it is the consequence for those who have rejected the gift of salvation. God, in His infinite mercy, offers us a choice every day — to choose Him, to follow Him, to trust in His promises, and to believe in His love.

If you have drifted from Him, know that His arms are wide open, ready to welcome you back. If you are burdened by guilt or shame, know that His grace is sufficient, and His forgiveness is abundant. He has promised that “though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool” (Isaiah 1:18).

Let this truth stir your heart today: God does not want anyone to perish. His desire is that all would come to repentance and experience the fullness of His love. Heaven is real, and it is waiting for those who will put their trust in Him. Hell is real too, and it is a place of eternal separation from God, reserved for those who choose to reject His grace.

So, let us turn our hearts to Him with renewed fervor. Let us not be distracted by the fleeting pleasures of this world, but rather, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). May we live each day in the light of eternity, knowing that the choices we make today echo in the halls of forever.

Heaven is our true home, where joy is everlasting and peace is unending. Let us make every effort to enter through the narrow gate and lead others to the path of life.

Dear reader, remember that God loves you more than you could ever imagine. And He is calling you today — come home to His love.


The Bible teaches us that repentance is necessary for salvation and for a restored relationship with God. Jesus Himself proclaimed, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17). Remember, repentance is not about perfection; it is about a heart turned toward God. It is a daily surrender to His will, a continual turning away from sin, and a desire to live in the light of His love and truth. God rejoices over every sinner who repents (Luke 15:7). He is not looking for flawless behaviour but a humble, contrite heart that seeks Him above all else.

If you are ready to repent, take that step today. God is waiting with open arms, ready to forgive, restore, and fill you with His peace. Turn to Him, and experience the fullness of His love and grace.


Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before You today with a humble and repentant heart. I acknowledge that I am a sinner and that I have gone astray from Your ways. I have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed, and I am truly sorry.

I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son, that He died on the cross for my sins, and that He rose again on the third day. I believe that through His sacrifice, I can be forgiven and made new.

Lord Jesus, I invite You into my heart. I ask You to be my Lord and Savior. Please forgive me for all my sins, cleanse me from all unrighteousness, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Help me to turn away from my old ways and to follow You faithfully all the days of my life.

Thank You, Lord, for Your mercy, grace, and unfailing love. I trust in Your promise of salvation and believe that I am now a new creation in Christ. Thank You for saving me.

In Jesus’ name, I pray.



Samuel Elijah Boateng

President, The Central Focus




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