Information is very crucial in every mode of communication. In a much pragmatic way, we cannot do without it in our daily routines. In our part of the world, information received from our media is very heartbreaking. I am not careful to say that, we can hardly talk about genuine stories from our media. Very few are authentic, with a greater percentage as fallacies with irrelevant conclusions.
Just go online and visit most of our news agencies and you will be amazed to find out that captivating stories are similar with virtually the same writings (word for word). I believe most of these agencies do ‘Copy and Paste’ and this is not helpful.
Believe you me, as you travel out of the city of Accra, you will be disappointed of the failures of some of our leaders. We hear some of them making all kinds of noise, but visit their constituencies and there is divergence. We are even told that some of these leaders only visit their constituencies on the day of elections to give offers to retain political power.
Travel along the Eastern corridor, the highways of Tatale, along the streets of Bimbilla, Kpassa, Gunguli, Bakpagba and a plethora of others and you will be shocked to see the neglects of our leaders. Being realistic, you would hardly notice most of our Media taking coverage, making documentaries and sensitizing the dying challenges of most neglected citizens.
Interestingly, let the security personnel of a celebrity experience head ache and its all over the Media houses.
We have one Ghana, lets not deceive ourselves and be politically blind. Lets call a spade-a-spade
In one of the recent reportage, about the killing of a member of the Tiger-Eye team, even till now it has been silent and looks like the assailants have gotten away without a cause. Corruption is overlooked, bad governance is swept under the carpet, non-execution of contracts, unfulfilled manifestos and a plethora of others—EXCUSE ME!!!!

I read the story of gentleman alleged to have shot a policeman. Not long after the incidence, there have been all kinds of condemning statements about him. Meanwhile, most of these media houses have not done any thorough investigations. They are just following feedback from social media to just create a ‘lie’. My worry is that, this lazy work will end up deceiving a large number of people.
This little piece is to bring an awakening so as to filter the information from the media.
Lets re-brand our Media into anti-politics and genuineness.

The Lord is rewriting the story of Africa where civilization, enlightenment, responsibility and selflessness will take its toll in this continent.

Lets arm ourselves with this awakening as we await the dawn of a new Africa.

Samuel Elijah Boateng
President, The Central Focus


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