It is possibility mentality that makes a ‘Giant’ and it is fearful mentality that makes one ‘Stagnant’. Our thoughts will either make or break us. So, until we change the way we think as Africans, our continent will be stagnated till the chapter of the universe is closed by the Almighty one.
Lets appreciate that, a change in one’s imagination will lead to a change in one’s perspectives, and a change in one’s perspectives will lead to a change in one’s positive outlook.
In an interaction with an Israeli friend, He said; “In Israel we do not have precious minerals, crude oil and other desired vegetation. All their achieved resources have been from the stirring of their Brains (Beneath the Skull)”
It is within this background of   possibility mentality and positive reasoning  that has made Israel (a desert nation) to becoming an agrarian exporting economy and a center of attraction of the world.
The great nations of our world did not just emerge. Their leaders were not ‘here and there’ leaders. The leaders of this nation we celebrate; focused on the treasures they had and gave it all that it takes to becoming an envy of the world.
Dubai would never have existed if the Sheikhs decided to relocate to Europe and America. The great city of Dubai would never have been on the world stage if all and sundry were not willing to buy into the vision.
What is wrong with our Continent?
There is nothing wrong with our continent, even though many people are not proud to be Africans. There is goodness in this continent.
Very shortly those blind wicked instructors milking  our economies with no iota of concern will  be exposed. 
There are a number of great institutions in our continent but because  of lack of concern, these institutions are turned into garbage.  Some of our leaders will finance the constructions of facilities but for whatever reason they will never allow their close relatives to be beneficiaries of those facilities but rather send them abroad.

Why the Withered Leaf?
The Almighty One has blessed this continent and like a Vineyard, no matter how fertile the soil is, if it is not tilled and maintained regularly, the vineyard will be destroyed in no time.
Wonderful monuments have been built, roads have been constructed, hospitals have been built, farms have been cultivated, machines have been imported yet we see no progress because we are not willing to maintain these wonderful assets of the economy.
The sufferings in Africa is very real. The SDGs are worse-off with the  irresponsibility of most  leaders of this continent. The financial bonds with the developed nations are just like tightening the bolts of depression and colonization.
Our ‘poor knowledge’ of market systems and Forex has opened up to the precarious activities of some charlatans of other ‘developed countries’ in our continent.

Africa is still a green vegetation with fleshy leaves and ripe fruits. We will not allow our precious leaf of progress to  be withered.

For with the Almighty One, we are well able to bring Africa onto the world stage and become an envoy to the world.

Samuel  Elijah Boateng
President, The Central Focus


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