Bishop David Abioye | An Epitome of Loyalty and Stewardship


We live in a generation where true sonship and followership are very scarce.  This has caused many ancient mantles to have no effect on the body of Christ. It is sad how many  Generals in the body of Christ pay the price to accomplish great feats in the kingdom yet there are times there are no qualified successors. In this generation, we need to be hungry for the outpouring of the spirit to be used mightily by God. The attempt to be like Gehazi is on the increase whiles very few decide to be like  Joshua, Elisha, Timothy,  Peter, and  John to become hard followers of their superiors. We are in a dispensation where sons and daughters do not want to be identified with their spiritual parents when they become successful in ministry. The enemy has put pride in many and as a result, their lives and destinies are truncated without fulfilling their God-ordained assignment.

At the end of this little piece, it is my prayer and desire that you will be a loyal son and daughter serving wholeheartedly at the place God has destined for you. In every generation, God sends Generals to herald a course and become a beacon of hope. Due to ignorance, many people limit the possibilities of God in their lives through the destiny helpers God brings their way. These destiny helpers provide platforms for followers to stand on to see into the future. Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”.

It is so admirable to see how Elisha followed Elijah. It is no wonder that he received a double portion of the spirit of Elijah. Beloved, things do not just happen. So do not be envious of anyone who is successful. You may not know the sacrifices and deadly prices they have paid to be where they are. Who ever knew David? Did David have any witness when he delivered a lamb from the attacks in the wilderness? So before you criticize any General of the gospel, an inventor, or anyone who is accomplishing great feats in life, just be mindful.

Bishop David Olatunji Abioye is an epitome of stewardship and loyalty in the Body of Christ. His life and ministry clearly brings illumination that you can be a successful preacher whiles serving under your leader. The relationship between Bishop David Abioye and Bishop David Oyedepo is so profound and worth emulating. Bishop Abioye has been with Bishop David Oyedepo for over 40 years. There are other ministers who are loyal like Bishop Abioye, but they are very few.

Bishop David Olatunji Abioye is the first vice president of Living Faith Church Worldwide. He is a father-figure to many young ministers across the globe. He is known for his practical and sound teaching on faith, prayer, and personal development. Bishop Abioye is a prolific writer and has authored several books. There are numerous audio and video messages of Bishop Abioye that have inspired and transformed many lives. Bishop Abioye is committed to nurturing and equipping the next generation of leaders to take up the mantle of excellence, godliness, and impact.  Apart from focusing on the core messages of the church, which include Faith, Prosperity and Signs and Wonders, he is also gifted in motivating the saints of God towards spiritual stewardship, victorious Christian living and developing intimate relationship with God. He is joyfully married to Mary A. Abioye, who is also an ordained minister. They are blessed with three children; David Jnr., Ruth and Daniel.


How close is our followership to our spiritual fathers?

A spiritual father is someone who provides guidance, mentorship, and support in matters of faith and spirituality. This could be a religious leader, an elder or wise person in the community, or even a close friend or family member who has a strong spiritual foundation and helps to guide and nurture others in their own spiritual journeys. The closeness of followership to a spiritual father depends on various factors, such as the level of trust and respect between the followers and the spiritual father, the quality of spiritual guidance provided by the spiritual father, and the degree to which the followers are committed to following the spiritual teachings and practices laid out by the spiritual father. Who is your Spiritual Father?



Stewardship plays a crucial role in the life of a pastor as it allows them to exercise responsible accountability. We can see this exemplified in the life and ministry of Bishop David Abioye. By taking this responsibility seriously, we can ensure that future generations will be able to continue the mandate God gave us. So we do not have to be careless about the mandate of God in our lives. In the life Bishop David Abioye, he exemplifies loyalty as well. Why do I say so? This is because a pastor's loyalty can be seen in his unwavering commitment to serving the congregation, supporting and guiding them through various life stages and crises. Also, a loyal pastor is someone who listens with empathy, teaches with compassion, and offers guidance with wisdom. They remain committed to their calling, even when the going gets tough, and they always strive to live by the example set by Jesus Christ.

We cannot draw the curtains without making mention of faithfulness in the life of God’s servant, Bishop Abioye. Today, he is known globally for faithfulness and showing many pastors and church leaders about being faithful in their calling. A faithful assistant pastor or church leader is someone who is dedicated to serving their congregation, supports the lead pastor, and is committed to advancing the mission and values of their church. They prioritize their relationship with God, strive for personal growth and development, and model a Christ-like character to those they lead and serve. They also work collaboratively with other leaders and volunteers, give sacrificially of their time and talents, and maintain a heart of humility and servanthood.

12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Revelation 22:12-14



Samuel  Elijah Boateng

President, The Central Focus


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