Pastor Benny Hinn | A Revered Revivalist


Pastor Benny is an extraordinary pastor  who has dedicated his life to healing and bringing hope to people around the world with the message of the Gospel. He is a globally recognized pastor who has helped people to overcome emotional and spiritual wounds, bringing light to dark places, hope to the hopeless, and help to reconnect with their faith. His  passion for lost souls  has seen him travel to various nations of the world.

With a passion for helping people discover their purpose and potential in life, Pastor Benny Hinn has become a beacon of hope and inspiration for millions of people across various nations. His unwavering commitment to the service of God and humanity has earned him numerous accolades and recognition in the global Christian community. Through his ministry as a televangelist, he has touched countless lives with his message of love, grace, and forgiveness. He has preached in churches, held crusades, and delivered inspirational talks in different parts of the world, reaching millions through television broadcasts and online platforms. His ministry has brought about remarkable transformation and spiritual growth in the lives of many individuals and families, inspiring them to live their best lives and fulfil their God-given destiny.

Benny Hinn was born on December 3, 1952, in the port city of Jaffa (part of modern Tel Aviv), Israel, where his family had set up residence as immigrants to Palestine from Greece. In 1968, not long after the Six-Day War, he moved with his family to Canada.  In February 1972, Benny Hinn’s life took on an entirely new meaning when he surrendered his heart and life to Jesus Christ as high school friends prayed with him. Soon afterward, he was called to minister the Gospel. In April 1974, young Benny received a vision of people falling into a roaring inferno and heard the words: if you do not preach, every soul that falls will be your responsibility!

Pastor Benny Hinn is a televangelist and a founder of Benny Hinn Ministries. He is best known for his healing crusades, television appearances, and his controversial teachings on prosperity theology. He has travelled the world, preaching the gospel and conducting faith-healing events that have attracted large crowds of people. Throughout his ministry, Pastor Benny Hinn has been widely recognized for his charitable works and has been awarded several honorary degrees for his contributions to Christian ministry.

Pastor Benny Hinn's ministry has impacted millions of people worldwide. His healing crusades have touched the lives of people who were suffering from various illnesses and diseases. His ministry has brought hope and restoration to people who were living in despair. Pastor Benny Hinn's teachings have inspired people to deepen their faith and trust in God. His messages on prayer, healing, and faith have encouraged people to pursue a closer relationship with God. Pastor Benny Hinn's ministry has brought together believers from different denominations, races, and cultures. His teachings on the love of God and the unity of the body of Christ have challenged people to look beyond their differences and focus on what unites them as believers. He has established several educational institutions to train and equip leaders for ministry. These institutions offer courses on theology, ministry, and leadership, and have produced thousands of pastors, evangelists, and leaders who are making an impact in their communities. Pastor Benny Hinn's ministry has been involved in several charitable projects, both locally and internationally. His ministry has provided food, shelter, and medical care to those in need, and has helped to implement sustainable solutions to poverty and social injustice. Pastor Benny Hinn's global impact has been significant and far-reaching. His ministry has touched the lives of millions of people, and his teachings have inspired believers to pursue a deeper relationship with God and to make a positive impact in the world. He has authored several books on the Holy Spirit, prayer, and faith.  Additionally, his ministry involves conducting healing crusades and prayer conferences across various countries. Today, Pastor Benny continues to take the message of God’s life-saving and miracle-working power around the globe. Memorable Miracle Healing Services have included audiences of up to 7.3 million in India, the largest healing service in recorded history!

The Lord’s cry for the world is getting louder and louder. His heart is yearning for the lost to be saved now!   

The best decision you can make, is to become born-again and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour. Jesus loves you.


The above are pictures of Pastor Benny Hinn crusades.

Samuel Elijah Boateng

President, The Central Focus


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