Archbishop Duncan-Williams is not merely a leader; he is a bridge. He builds bridges between generations, cultures, and denominations, his message echoing with a universality that transcends borders. He is a champion of the downtrodden, a voice for the voiceless, his unwavering commitment to his calling has been  an indelible mark  not only in Ghana but across the nations of the world.

Beyond the accolades and achievements, lies a man of profound humility. A man who, despite scaling the highest echelons of religious leadership, never forgets the simple touch that binds him to his congregation. His laughter rings through cathedral halls, his tears mingle with those of his flock, for he is not a distant figure on a pedestal, but a shepherd walking side-by-side with his sheep.

So, as we celebrate the life and legacy of Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, let us not simply sing his praises, but let us imbibe the spirit that animates him. Let us, like him, fan the flames of faith within ourselves, and step out into the world, bridges in our hands, hearts overflowing with love, ready to illuminate the path for others.


Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams is a charismatic and influential religious leader whose life and ministry have left a lasting impact on the spiritual and social fabric of Ghana and beyond. His commitment to prayer, dynamic leadership, and engagement in social issues have contributed to his prominence and the growth of UDACI.



Born on May 12, 1957, in Accra, Ghana, he has played a significant role in shaping the religious landscape in his country and beyond. Papa N was born to Florence Bruce and E.K. Duncan-Williams .His early life was marked by personal challenges and spiritual seeking. In his youth, he struggled with personal issues, including substance abuse, before finding solace in Christianity. His conversion to Christianity is often described as a transformative experience that set the course for his future ministry.

Archbishop Duncan-Williams is renowned for his dynamic leadership style and charismatic preaching. He became a pioneer of the Charismatic Movement in Ghana, contributing to the growth of Pentecostal and charismatic Christianity in the country. Under his leadership, UDACI has expanded globally, with branches in various countries.

 Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams is the Presiding Archbishop and General Overseer of United Denominations of Action Chapel International, headquartered in Accra, Ghana. He is the founder and father of the Charismatic Movement in Ghana and other parts of West Africa.


United Denominations of Action Chapel International, one church in many locations, with more than 500 branch churches and 2,000 affiliate ministries globally. Known in many parts of the world as the Apostle of Strategic Prayer, Archbishop Duncan-Williams.



Papa as he is affectionately called has played a crucial role in shaping the spiritual and social landscape of globally. His teachings often address issues such as faith, prosperity, and personal transformation. Additionally, he is known for his emphasis on prayer as a powerful tool for spiritual warfare and national transformation.

Archbishop Duncan-Williams has been involved in various social and humanitarian initiatives. He has championed causes such as education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation. His ministry has been instrumental in providing aid to the underprivileged and advocating for positive societal change.

Like many prominent religious figures, Duncan-Williams has faced controversies and challenges throughout his career. These include criticisms of his prosperity gospel teachings and debates within the Christian community about certain aspects of his ministry. However, his influence and impact remain undeniable.


Archbishop Duncan-Williams has been instrumental in spreading the Christian gospel internationally. UDACI has established branches and affiliated ministries in various countries, contributing to the global reach of charismatic Christianity. His teachings on faith, prayer, and prosperity have resonated with diverse audiences around the world.

The Archbishop is known for raising and mentoring a generation of leaders within and outside his ministry. Many of his sons and daughters in the faith have gone on to become influential pastors, ministers, and leaders in their own right. The impact of their collective ministry has extended beyond the borders of Ghana.


Papa is recognized for his emphasis on the power of prayer and spiritual warfare. This teaching has had a global impact, influencing believers and church leaders to prioritize prayer as a means of spiritual breakthrough and transformation. The concept of "praying without ceasing" has been a central theme in his ministry.

The Archbishop's commitment to social and humanitarian causes has inspired his followers to engage in charitable activities globally. Through the outreach programs of UDACI and affiliated organizations, there has been an impact on education, healthcare, and poverty alleviation in various communities worldwide.

Archbishop Duncan-Williams and his ministry have organized and participated in conferences and events that attract participants from different parts of the world. These gatherings serve as platforms for teaching, impartation, and networking, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration among believers on an international scale. The Archbishop's teachings, sermons, and conferences are often broadcasted through various media channels, including television, radio, and online platforms. This has enabled a global audience to access his messages, resulting in a widespread impact on the lives of individuals seeking spiritual guidance.


Papa, along with his sons and daughters in the ministry, has played a role in shaping the cultural and social landscape of the nations where they have a presence. Their influence extends to matters of ethics, morality, and community engagement. The Archbishop has been involved in fostering interdenominational collaboration and unity within the body of Christ globally. His efforts to bridge denominational gaps have contributed to a sense of solidarity among Christians from different backgrounds.

It's important to note that the impact of Archbishop Duncan-Williams and those he has raised in the body of Christ is dynamic and ongoing.


Archbishop Duncan-Williams is a shining example of someone who, despite not having the luxury of intense formal education, forged his path to success through unwavering determination and a hunger for knowledge. In the absence of conventional academic opportunities, he embraced self-education as a powerful tool for personal and spiritual growth.

His story is a testament to the idea that education extends far beyond the walls of a classroom. Archbishop Duncan-Williams engaged in a diverse range of disciplines, drawing wisdom from various sources to enrich his understanding of the world. His insatiable curiosity and commitment to learning allowed him to transcend the limitations of his circumstances.

Crucial to his journey was the influence of mentors like Archbishop Benson-Idahosah and other fathers of the faith. Archbishop Duncan-Williams recognized the importance of learning from those who had walked the path before him. By following in the footsteps of these spiritual giants, he gained invaluable insights, wisdom, and a strong foundation for his own ministry.

Rather than succumbing to the challenges he faced, Archbishop Duncan-Williams carved a niche for himself. He refused to be defined by his predicament and instead focused on developing his skills, character, and spiritual understanding. This resilience not only propelled him forward but also allowed him to emerge as a global mentor and influencer.

Today, Archbishop Duncan-Williams stands as a beacon of inspiration, impacting lives across the world. His story teaches us that the pursuit of knowledge, coupled with determination and mentorship, can lead to extraordinary heights. He reminds us that our circumstances do not have to dictate our destinies, and through continuous self-improvement, we can carve a legacy that transcends limitations.

As we reflect on the journey of Archbishop Duncan-Williams, may we be inspired to embrace our own paths of self-education, determination, and mentorship. Let us learn from those who have gone before us, develop our unique strengths, and strive for excellence in all we do. 




Samuel  Elijah  Boateng

President, The Central Focus


+233 279753816





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