In this touching narrative, I am inspired to share the journey  of an amazing person who has played a great role in my life. Our paths first crossed within the hallowed halls of the University of Cape Coast, where both of us were active members of the University Pentecostal Fellowship. While I found my niche in the Literature and Publicity department, Prince Joel found himself  with the Outreach and Kingdom Family.

I pursued economics with a great desire to rewrite the economic decadence in Africa. We need  a facelift of ideologies where we can make an impact to bring smiles on the faces of hopeless Africans. My pursuit of economics wasn't driven by mere academic curiosity, but by a burning desire to change the narrative of economic stagnation in Africa. I envision a future where outdated ideologies are replaced by innovative solutions, paving the way for a vibrant and thriving continent.


This journey isn't just about numbers and formulas; it's about creating a ripple effect that touches the lives of ordinary Africans. We need to move beyond mere survival and embrace a future where prosperity and opportunity are accessible to all.

My mission is clear; to play a role in rewriting Africa's economic story. I will use my knowledge and skills to develop and implement sustainable solutions, fostering economic growth and social development.

Prince Joel, pursued  Procurement and Supply Chain Management major.  After graduating, Prince Joel embarked on his National Service. He then secured employment opportunities at prestigious companies like MTN Ghana, further honing his skills and gaining valuable experience. 

But Prince Joel's ambitions extended beyond the corporate world. He harboured a dream of utilizing his creative talents and entrepreneurial spirit to build something of his own. He envisioned a future where his passion for business could coexist with his commitment to his faith.

With unwavering determination, Prince Joel took the bold step of leaving behind his secure career path and venturing into the world of entrepreneurship. He established his own multimedia firm, channelling his creativity and expertise into building a successful enterprise.

But Prince Joel's entrepreneurial pursuits didn't stop there. He recognized the potential within the real estate industry and, with characteristic zeal, embarked on a new venture, expanding his reach and influence in the business world.

Today, Prince Joel stands as a shining example of a young man who dared to follow his dreams. He has not only carved his own path in the business world but has also remained steadfast in his commitment to God. His story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration to countless others, demonstrating that faith and ambition can coexist and lead to a life filled with purpose and fulfilment.


Samuel Boateng

President, The Central Focus

+233 0279753816






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