Redefining The Politics Of Africa

The temptation to define the problem in Africa as leadership crises is very high, but it is not only about leadership but the misunderstanding and abuse of politics.  The misunderstanding of politics has prolonged the deliverance of Africa to be on the world stage.

What is politics?
Politics is an aspect of democracy where the highest influence is acknowledged by the populace and tasked with the responsibility to be in the helm of affairs of the State.

Do we have to fight each other because of ‘Power’?
Do we have to exchange artilleries to prove a point to our opponents?
Do we have to use abusive words at each other all in the name of democracy?
Do we have to cause the deaths of other people simply because we want ‘power’?

A national coalition and a peculiar agenda with selfless commitment will rebirth the story of Africa.
Our Continent is long overdue. The gruesome thirst for power through politics is seen as children playing in a mud in this continent.
Maturity is not only acknowledged in age but also the acceptance of responsibilities.
Our ancestors were plagued with ‘I’ll show you when I come to power’ syndrome.  Surprisingly, they have nothing to show forth after every tenure of office; only to increase the debts and burden citizens with unusual taxes.

It is time for Africa to redefine its Politics. Where people will not be intimidated of joining any political associations; where job opportunities will not be given based on one’s political affiliations; where developmental projects will not be based on partisan favoritism but rather, an interest to build an amalgamated country and continent at large.

Africa has a great destiny. Our ancestors selfishly wrecked this continent and disappointed the Creator of the World.

A new generation is coming forth to rewrite the story of Africa.

Samuel Elijah Boateng
President, The Central Focus


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