Unfulfilled Promises

When promises are not fulfilled, it sometimes lead to heartbreaks, disappointments, mistrusts and in some cases depressions. The unfulfilled promises in the manifestos of our leaders has resulted in the State of Africa.  Some of our leaders have made our economies like refugee camps with little or no promise for the future. Sadly, these leaders are ever ready to get out of their economies to seek for ‘greener pastures’ in other developed nations.

One may ask;
n  Why do most leaders keep failing in their promises to their people?
n  Is it a mind problem? Maybe true
n  Is it as a result of poverty? Probably
n  Is it lack of understanding? I may be right

The great nations of our world, were not developed by ‘robots’. They were developed by individuals who were willing to sacrifice their all for the growth of their economy.
They had an understanding that, if they do not build their nations, EXTREMISTS will come and dictate to them on what to do.

During Political campaigns, we hear all kinds’ of promises. These promises deceive the masses and they are disappointed when things go wrong.
Some leaders promise electricity, pipe borne water, accessible roads to some deprived communities during political campaigns; but you would be amazed to be told that not even an electric pole, a dam or road has been constructed since these leaders assumed office.

It looks as if the masses are being taken for granted with an experience of sorrows and tears.
If it were possible, we wished we had no Presidents, Ministers of States and heads of other public institutions in our continent.

n  Will this unfulfilled promises continually prevail?
n  Will the masses be constantly deceived and later oppressed by the ruling government?

This is a wakeup call for most of our leaders who have left their posts and engaged in their own selfish agenda.
We elected you to execute a project and not to pile up project resources for selfish usage.
Very shortly, it will not be a testimony to travel overseas because the leadership story of Africa is changing soon.
A new Africa shall emerge with the enablement given by the Almighty.

Samuel Elijah Boateng
President, The Central Focus


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