You never need a structural plan for a shanty; you just build it anyhow. However, for a magnificent building, you need a structural plan to follow in order to reveal the architectural view of such buildings. There is no building of worth, accommodating and strong without pillars in place.
Pillars are very necessary in any building to firmly hold the building to prevent it from collapsing. Have you ever seen a collapsed building before? Then, you will forever appreciate to pay the necessary cost of a strong foundation together with the rightful pillars.
Interestingly, when a building collapses not only are lives affected but also properties and injuries to other unknown people.
Would you want to experience something of this kind to render you homeless? Obviously No!
Dear reader, so it is with leadership; without the rightful pillars of principles and management, nothing worthwhile will be achieved.
Have you ever wondered why Africa is lagging behind in terms of  good leadership and development even though civilization began in this continent sometimes between 2000- 300 BC in Egypt?
Why do we have bad leaders?  This is simply because of the absence of the adaptation of the pillars of leadership.
Just ponder over this.
For the past two decades most especially in developing nations, Politics has been used as a tool to amass wealth at the impoverishment of the very poor people. Carelessness and extravagance with no iota of accountability and the unfulfilment of roles are celebrated with no concern for progress.
Why do unqualified folks manage helm of affairs? This is simply because our leadership are not ‘structured’ so to speak besides the requisite pillars of leadership and management are out of place.
Some of the  pillars of leadership  include Accountability, Efficient time management, Financial management, Resource management and Progressive Succession.
Having a glimpse of most economies in developing nations, we can clearly  draw a conclusion of the lapses in the usage of the above pillars.
Whiles most developing nations keep celebrating their moments of independence developed nations are constantly pressing on in making discoveries to better the lives of their citizens.
Lets therefore be part of the part to take part of the part in rewiring  the leadership story of Africa.

If rightful pillars can mount up Sky Scrapers then, with the rightful usage of the above pillars of leadership exploits will be seen in our continent.

Samuel Elijah Boateng
President, The Central Focus


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