Our lives and destinies are not tied up forever on the streets. There are innumerable  reasons that has ended us to what society think as social misfit. We believe that everyone is responsible for his or her own life and the decisions they make but unfortunately life has taken its stiletto hill against us but to some extent our situations are shared failed responsibilities from our part, our families, our society and the State.
Our lives have been coined into proverbs and by-words. It is not our desire to be on the streets ‘aimlessly’ but for whatever reason we find ourselves in this place.
Will we forever be the errand ‘boys’ for the men and women of affluence?
Will we forever be the tools of evil perpetuation in the hands of politicians?

Will our families continually neglect us thinking we are misfits?
Will we die without fulfilling our dreams?

We believe that someday Providence will locate us and the tables will turn in our favor.
There are all manner of acts undertaken by street folks.  Some of us hassle to make ends meet; some of us smoke all kinds  of herbs to get agitated to confront our fears; some of us drink all kinds concoctions to forget our worries; some of us engage in promiscuity to  survive and also to compensate broken homes; some of us risk our lives to smuggle banned drugs to enrich the ‘elites’.
Folks who are privileged sometimes think we are useless. NO! WE ARE NOT USELESS
Our place of abode is nothing of any standard, that notwithstanding we are comfortable because oneday our desired breakthroughs will be manifested.
The courts, prisons, CID offices, BNI offices, Bolster homes have always been our source of recreation and attention to the society. When the media houses have no stories, they resort to our past acts to make up for empty spaces.
Just a little caution to the numerous misrepresentation that those on the streets are crooks or charlatans.
Some of these bad acts heard are propelled by laziness, hunger and greed among some of us.

Who will come to our aid seeing we have been rejected? PROVIDENCE WILL PLEAD FOR OUR CAUSE
We work, work and work and pay daily market tolls with no concern of our ‘chicken change’ stipends.
We barely have nutritional meals since we only eat averagely once a day and in worst moments no meals at all. The writer of this piece has been on the streets before. If I should unfold the pains, hassles and maltreatments you will weep for me. Pushing trucks for several miles just for a daily meal. I remember offloading cartons from a container together with friends for almost 10 hours only to earn less than a dollar.
Our prayers have always to stop the rains, else we will be displaced seeing our kiosks floating on the water.
Life on the streets is very hard. Our families, Society and State has no solution for us only PROVIDENCE will come to our aid some day.

We look forward being the heroes and heroines of change in our continent and the world beyond.

We love you.

Samuel Elijah Boateng
President, The Central Focus
+233 279753816


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