That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Hebrews 6:12

There have been numerous men and women who have dedicated their lives to serving God and His people. Apostle Opoku Onyinah is one such individual who has left an indelible mark and still making impact in the body of Christ.

Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah, is a Christian leader and The immediate past chairman of the Church of Pentecost. He was born on 22nd July 1952 at Asante Mampong in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. He was ordained as a Pastor in December 1976, and has since then devoted himself to the work of the ministry.

In his many years of service, Apostle Onyinah has touched the lives of countless individuals. His tireless efforts to spread the message of love, compassion, and forgiveness have made a lasting impact on his congregation and the wider community. He has been a source of comfort and strength to those going through difficult times, a guiding light for those seeking spiritual guidance, and a trusted confidant for those needing someone to listen.

One of Apostle Onyinah’s  greatest strengths is his ability to connect with people from all walks of life. He genuinely cares about the well-being of those around him and goes above and beyond to meet their needs.

Apostle’s sermons are known for their powerful messages and relatable anecdotes. He has a way of delivering God's word in a manner that is accessible and relevant to people of all ages and backgrounds. His passion for spreading the gospel is infectious, and his sermons have played a significant role in helping individuals deepen their faith and grow closer to God.

Beyond his church ministry, Apostle Onyinah has also been involved in numerous charitable endeavors. His dedication to social justice and his commitment to serving the less fortunate is a testament to his unwavering faith and his desire to live out the teachings of Christ.

Apostle Onyinah’s  impact extends far beyond his local community. His preaching and teachings have reached individuals from around the world through his online ministry. Through the power of technology, Apostle Onyinah has been able to bring God's message of hope and salvation to those who may have never stepped foot in a church.

Apostle Onyinah is truly a faithful servant of God, a compassionate pastor, and a dedicated advocate for justice. His life serves as an inspiration to all who know him, and his legacy will continue to impact lives for generations to come. May his example of faith, love, and service inspire others to follow in his footsteps and continue the work of God's kingdom on earth.

Apostle Opoku Onyinah has held various leadership positions within the Church of Pentecost, including being the National Head of the Pentecost Student Association (PENSA), National Head of the Church's Bible School, and Head of the Church's Literature Ministry. In 2008, he was elected as the Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, a position he held until his retirement in 2018.

During his tenure as Chairman, Apostle Opoku Onyinah focused on the growth and expansion of the Church of Pentecost both in Ghana and internationally. Under his leadership, the Church experienced significant growth, with new branches being established in various parts of the world. He also worked towards improving the welfare of pastors and members of the Church, and promoting unity and collaboration among Christian denominations in Ghana.

In addition to his pastoral work, Apostle Opoku Onyinah is known for his teachings on Christian leadership and discipleship. He has written several books such as Pentecostal Exorcism, Spiritual warfare, Apostles and Prophets and many others.


After finishing his education at Sunyani Technical Institute in 1972, Onyinah went on to study carpentry and joinery at Tamale Technical School. During this time, he remained involved in the activities of the SU and eventually became the president. Due to his strong spiritual presence and ministry, he earned the nickname "The Holy Ghost Man." His ministry flourished with fervent prayer, accurate prophetic utterances, and powerful ministrations.

Apostle Onyinah's formal theological education began in 1986 when he enrolled at Elim Bible College in the United Kingdom. He continued his studies at Regents Theological College in Manchester, earning a Master of Theology Degree in Applied Theology in 1996. His impressive academic performance and theological insights caught the attention of New Testament scholar Siegfried Schatzmann, who encouraged him to pursue a doctoral degree at the University of Birmingham. Through Schatzmann's introduction, Onyinah connected with professor Allan Anderson, who became his doctoral supervisor. He completed his Ph.D. program in 2002.

As a result of his extensive research and publications, Onyinah was granted the title of Associate Professor by the University of Ghana in 2017.


Apostle Opoku Onyinah is a prominent religious figure in Ghana, known for his significant impact on the Christian community in the country. As the immediate past Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, he played a leading role in the growth and development of the church during his tenure.

Ø  During his time as Chairman, Apostle Opoku Onyinah provided strong and visionary leadership to The Church of Pentecost, which helped in the expansion of the church in Ghana and beyond. His leadership style was characterized by humility, integrity, and a commitment to the principles of the Christian faith.

Ø  Under Apostle Opoku Onyinah's leadership, The Church of Pentecost experienced significant growth and expansion. He implemented various initiatives and programs that aimed at evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. As a result, the church witnessed an increase in membership and the establishment of new congregations both in Ghana and internationally.

Ø  Apostle Opoku Onyinah is an advocate for education and has made significant contributions to the field of Christian education in Ghana. He played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Pentecost University College, a leading tertiary institution in Ghana that offers various academic programs in the fields of business, theology, and applied sciences.

Ø  Apostle Opoku Onyinah has been actively involved in numerous social initiatives aimed at improving the lives of individuals and communities in Ghana. The Church of Pentecost, under his leadership, has embarked on projects such as the construction of schools, hospitals, and boreholes to provide access to clean water in rural areas.

Ø  Apostle Opoku Onyinah is known for his efforts to promote dialogue and understanding between different religious communities in Ghana. He has actively engaged in interfaith discussions and initiatives aimed at fostering peaceful coexistence and mutual respect among believers of different faiths.

Apostle Opoku Onyinah is a respected figure in the Ghanaian Christian community. He is known for his strong preaching and his commitment to social justice. He is also a gifted leader, and has played a key role in the growth and development of The Church of Pentecost. His legacy will continue to inspire Christians for many years to come. The Central Focus celebrates this great kingdom legacy man of God.

Leadership in African Pentecostalism

Opoku Onyinah’s leadership has not only been effective and influential in the CoP and the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic community, but also in the African Pentecostal fraternity. Beyond the many theological papers he has authored on African spirituality and African Christianity, Onyinah has served as Co-Chairman of Empowered21 Africa since 2013, a platform for Pentecostal dialogues and spiritual advancement in Africa and the world.




Samuel Elijah Boateng

President, The Central Focus



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