There is a thought that has occupied the minds of people for many years- why are we here? This question is one that provokes deep contemplation and has sparked countless debates. 

Finding meaning in your life as a student, a politician, a pastor or a professional is deeply personal and subjective. It is a journey of self-discovery that requires self-reflection and exploration.

It is not a coincidence that we are here. We are not the accidental and spontaneous explosive expansion of some dust and gases in space like the big bang theory suggests. The Bible makes us understand that, God even laid a foundation for the world. (Ephesians 1:4; 1 Peter 1:20). Just as you were not randomly selected for a job, but your employees sat down, thought it out carefully and chose you, God also intentionally brought us here.

So, what is your purpose and how do you discover it?  

We all have a contribution to make as part of what everyone else has to offer to make the world a better place. Purpose involves self-sacrifice and service to your environment or your world. If you wake up every day grumpy, hating the fact that you must go to your workplace, your school, or whatever you do daily, you are probably not living your life’s purpose. 

Here are some ways to identify your purpose:

1. Prayer: When you are newly employed in a workplace, who do you go to for your job description? The Human Resource Manager. Just as at a new school, those who know all about the school, that is, the principal and teachers, will take you through an orientation, the same way, God, the one who brought us here should be the first one we go to if we are questioning the reason why we are here. He may speak to you through His Word, directly or through others.

2. Gifts and talents: Your talents are those potentials or abilities that are inherent; you were born with them. What are you passionate about? Maybe you’ve been told that at a very young age, you were very good at organising the other kids in class and teaching them. They might be very noisy and rebellious, but you had your way with them. It could also be that you enjoy helping and serving others. It the thing that burns in your heart so much that you deem it to be more important than your own self.

3. Try new things: It might be uncomfortable and even scary at first trying something that you have never done before. Be open to new experiences. Petra Aba Asamoah, a sales expert was moved from being a frontline reservations agent to the sales department with zero experience or qualifications in sales. But today, she is one of the most successful sales agents in Ghana. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, you may be surprised where God leads you. 

If you are feeling lost or confused about your purpose, don’t worry, you are not alone. Many people go through this at some point in their lives. You will find it if you are determined to. But until then should you wait around to find out what it is before your life can continue? Time, they say waits for no one. Therefore, whatever you are doing right now, or when the opportunity comes to do something good, do it with all of your heart. Do not die full of all the potentials and precious gifts you could have used to make a great impact.

We believe you have been blessed.

God bless you for reading.


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