Rev. Ben Brown-Okoh | A Faithful Servant Of God



And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. Jeremiah 3:15

In every generation, God sends His messengers to be torchbearers, a  beacon of hope, warriors, , revivalists  and agents of change in the world.  We find ourselves in a dispensation where vessels of honour used by God has been substituted with ridicule and dishonour. We live in a generation where many are impacting and influencing people from all spheres of life but they are not loud or known in the public space much. In account of this, I want to draw your attention to some of Jesus’ disciples – Simon of Cyrene and Joseph of Arimathea. These disciples of Jesus Christ were unknown to many but Jesus Christ had impacted their life so strongly that on his journey to Calvary, Simon of Cyrene helped Jesus to carry his cross whiles Joseph of Arimathea  facilitated the burial of Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God for the glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ who has given us hope that our labour in the Lord are not in vain but we will be rewarded. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. Revelation 22:12

It is so exciting to be convinced that it is God who is going to reward our labour. This is because, if rewards were left in the hands of human beings, many people will not be honoured due to the selfishness of man. The showcase of Simon of Cyrene and Joseph of Arimathea are indications that, there are many people labouring for the Lord behind the scenes. There are unpopular people serving the interest of God who are not known in public. This does not discredit the honour God gives us but what I am trying to say is, in our quest in serving God, we should not be driven to be popular but rather to do the will of God. So that at the end of our Journey on earth, we will receive the greatest commendation ever from Jesus Christ. His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Matthew 25:21

Many years ago, evangelist Mordecai Ham had a major evangelistic campaign in 1934. He made an altar call for the attendees who wanted to give their life to Jesus Christ to come forward. The only person who responded to the altar call was Billy Graham. I believe we could all testify of the impact of Billy Graham to the Body of Christ in the 20th and 21st century. Many people may not know Evangelist Mordecai Ham, but many know Evangelist Billy Graham. But of a surety, the impact of Evangelist Mordecai Ham in the life of Evangelist Billy Graham cannot be denied.

Rev. Ben Brown-Okoh is an ambassador of Jesus Christ and the General Overseer of Strong Living Fire Ministry International. With over 30 years of ministry, he has been a blessing to the Body of Christ, raised many sons and daughters both home and abroad and published several books and other write-ups with Cry out the More and Rising to Greatness as bestselling books.

When you get the opportunity to speak to Rev. Ben Brown-Okoh, you will see a reflection of humility, love, patience and kindness. Many youth of the Joshua Generation: the youth wing of Strong living fire ministry international could attest of the positive influence of Rev. Ben Brown-Okoh in their life both physically and spiritually. He encourages young people to be on fire for God, be diligent, have the consciousness to be on time in the house of God, play a role in the church, be hungry for the things of God and also to personally develop themselves to attain greatness in life.

This piece is to draw your attention that, there are many great pastors who are admired and respected by their congregations and communities for their inspirational leadership, compassionate service, and dedication to spreading the teachings of their faith

It is important to honour great pastors who have made a significant impact on the lives of their congregation and their community. These pastors dedicate their lives to serving God and helping those in need, offering counsel, guidance, and support to those who seek it.

One way to honour a great pastor is to express appreciation for their hard work and dedication. This can be done through simple acts of kindness, such as writing a thank you note or cooking them a special meal. Another way to honour a great pastor is to publicly recognize their achievements and contributions to the community. This can be done through a special service or event, where members of the congregation and community can acknowledge their efforts and offer words of support and gratitude. We can honour great pastors by praying for them and their families. Pastors often put the needs of their congregation before their own, so it is important to lift them up in prayer and ask for God's strength and guidance in their lives.

In whatever way we choose to honour great pastors, let us remember to thank them for their selfless service and dedication to spreading the love and message of Jesus Christ. 

Pastors play a vital role in providing spiritual guidance, counselling, and support to their congregations. They are often called upon to perform baptisms, weddings, and funerals, and to offer comfort and hope during times of crisis.

Pastors are often underappreciated and face many challenges as they strive to lead their congregations with grace and humility. They deal with personal challenges, such as balancing their spiritual and professional lives, while also caring for the needs of their congregation.

Therefore, it is important to honour and acknowledge the great pastors who have selflessly dedicated their lives to serving their communities. Words of gratitude and appreciation should be extended to their family members for their support and sacrifices that enabled them to carry out their pastoral duties diligently.

To crown it all, pastors play an important role in society, and we must appreciate their hard work and dedication. Let us express our gratitude to the pastors who have impacted our lives and who have been instrumental in shaping our spiritual and moral values. They deserve our honour, respect, and admiration.

Join me celebrate and honour God’s servant, Rev. Ben Brown-Okoh –The General Overseer of Strong Living Fire Ministry International.



Samuel Elijah Boateng

President, The Central Focus


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