Of a surety, God is no respecter of persons; whoever you are, wherever you are, no matter the limitations, if you hold on to God, He will lift you and change your story. The life and ministry of Archbishop Charles Agyinasare is not only humbling but just a reflection of the hand of God on his life. Many people know Archbishop Agyinasare as a Ghanaian Christian pastor, Author, Evangelist, Chancellor of Perez University College, a Christian liberal arts university in Ghana, life-coach, philanthropist and  several others responsibilities impacting humanity. He is the founder of Perez Chapel International (Ghana), with many branches in the world. He  is known for his dynamic preaching style, passionate teaching, dynamic crusades and his ministry of healing and deliverance. Archbishop Agyinasare is among the most influential pastors in Ghana and is known for his teachings on faith, prosperity, healing, miracles, family life, prayer, fasting, personal growth, soul winning and several others. He has written several books which includes Joseph Paradigm of Leadership, Fasting And Prayer: Releasing God's Explosive Power, Pastoral Protocols, Breaking the power of alcohol, drugs and tobacco, Power Demonstration: Understanding the Holy Spirit and His Gifts, Let's Talk, Baby!: Communication in Marriage,  Give me Children, Single and not ashamed, Transference of Spirits and several other bestselling books. He has numerous sons and daughters in ministry who have become juggernauts in the Body of Christ.

You cannot talk about the Archbishop without mentioning the impact of Dr. Morris Cerrulo. We can relate and also learn this father and son relationship in our various ministries so that we do not end up becoming like Gehazi, Absalom, Judas Ischariot and Demas. 

This little piece is just a memoir in  honour of God’s servant and how God has used him to be a blessing to many people across the nations of the world.

You will be flabbergasted and you will be in a state of awe when you read his latest bestselling book ‘My Boy Charles’- Memoirs of the life and legacy of exploits.

In Africa and other parts of the world, we fail to honour our heroes and sheroes when they are alive. It is imperative to honour them when they are alive and when they are no longer in existence. In so doing, we encourage the next generation to also do exploits in their respective nations. I believe if Dr. Robert Liardon had not spearheaded ‘The God’s General Books’ most of the great revival stories and testimonies will be lost. In effect, history of men and women of impact in the Body of Christ will not be celebrated if people  did not preserve and share these histories of the fathers of faith.

One of the fathers of faith in Africa, Late Archbishop Benson Idahosa whiles breaking the grounds for Christian Action Faith Ministry had this to say. ‘God has not called us to reduce us’. This stems to explain that as long as we appreciate the call of God in our lives, pay the price of the mark of the higher calling God will always be with us. If God is for us, who can be against us? — Romans 8:31

We can see that God has been with his servant all these years. I am personally blown away to see how God sends him to hard-core Islamic nations, nations that worship idols and several places many will not love to tread.

Why would I write such a piece to honour Archbishop Charles Agyinasare?

Simply, his life and ministry has impacted me strongly.

This piece is a just an epistle for the younger generation to honour, celebrate  and learn from our fathers of faith in Ghana, Africa and the world at large. In this generation, we are privileged to have fathers of faith share with us the secrets of ministry, the challenges they have been through, how they have survived, the many sacrifices and other nuggets which are jewels one can keep in their bosom in walking faithfully with God and fulfilling their ministry.

The Lord is rewriting the story of Africa and it is beginning from the church.

Congratulations on your 40th year milestone in ministry Archbishop Charles Agyinasare.





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