Who will ever think that Zantuza will ever give her life to Jesus Christ? Dear read be very mindful how you criticize people of their actions. You have no idea of the spiritual forces behind the scenes working in the shadows. The world is
really mysterious and the perceptions we have should be carefully examined else we would be surprise when nefarious people dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ.
Zantuza was not only a fetish priestess but also the Queen mother of the Tulua Kingdom. Tulua is a haven of evil activities and a threat to neighboring towns. Human sacrifices, murder, gambling, promiscuity, sorcery are daily practices in this kingdom. Pandemonium is even an understatement to describe this kingdom. Zantuza with her evil powers taunts her people who offend her and engages in all manner of orchestration to devalue human dignity. A story is told how she used her magical powers to turn someone into a goat for few days and later brought the person back into human form simply because the person had not paid his yearly toll.
Truly the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof. No man can take dominance of the earth as their own and do whatever they please. No matter their evil perpetuation it will come into expiry.
A light of hope began to beam across the Tulua Kingdom when the Oralu Brothers commissioned by God to bring liberation to this evil kingdom.
In a vision, the Lord showed Kunte Oralu a vision of the evil happening in Tulua kingdom. Kunte began to sob, he said, why Lord? Repetitively.  The Lord continually revealed all secrets and demonic strongholds taken captives of the people in Tulua.
The Lord said to him, from the beginning it was not so; my servants whom I sent to Tulua disappointed me. They used the gifts and anointing I deposited in them to enrich themselves at the expense of the assignment I have commissioned them to do. Most of those I sent did not fulfil what I instructed them to do, some backslid by sleeping with the women of the kingdom for they were beautiful and fair to look upon, others engaged in gambling and all manner of sinful acts. Their delay in preaching my word gave an opening for the enemy to take dominance of that place to perpetuate evil. ‘But now the moment has come to liberate the people of Tulua through the preaching of my word with the evidence of miracles, signs and wonders and I am sending you to undertake this task’.
Kunte Oralu was in tears, he was sore afraid because of the ruthless activities in the kingdom. The Lord said to him. ‘Be of good courage my son, I am with you’.
After weeks of fasting, prayers and preparation they made their arrangements to Tulua. After few days of settling they began their witnessing the word of God in every hook and cranny.
To the surprise at the brothers, some inhabitants have never heard about the name Jesus Christ, they have been thought that zidotingo is the creator of the world.
Beloved, not everyone in the world is saved, some are living in darkness waiting for their liberation.
There was an anti-climax in one of the ministration of the Oralu brothers. They visited the town crier who has been bedridden for almost a decade battling with a terminal disease. Kunte Oralu prayed and anointed him with oil, and immediately he was healed, regained consciousness and began to walk about. The testimony spread like wild fire with the saying ‘We have not seen this before, we have not seen this before, we have not seen this before’.
When Zantuza heard about it, he sent a message to the Oralu brothers with the instruction that, either they report immediately at her palace or leave the kingdom never to return.
The Oralu brothers under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, mastered courage to go the palace of Zantuza. Zantuza yelled! Did you come to this kingdom to mock me and zidotingo the great god of supply? I am warning you, let this day be the last time I hear such stupid acts performed by you. What powers do you have more than ziditingo?
The Oralu brothers shook the dust off their feet as they were leaving the palace accompanied by a large crowd. Immediately they stepped out of the palace three huts collapsed. Zantuza stood in awe, who are these young men and what powers do they have? I shall deal with them! She yells.
Its time we hold a crusade, said Kunte to his younger brother and associate Zabro Oralu.
All was set for the crusade and that happens to be the first crusade ever to be held in the Tulua Kingdom. The crusade witnessed a night of supernatural encounters, deliverances from demonic oppressions and the liberation of people from darkness to light with almost all the attendees giving their lives to Jesus Christ.
News reached Zantuza about the miraculous and saving power of God at the crusade ground. She vanished and immediately appeared at the crusade ground with a sword with the intention to slay the Oralu brothers for holding the crusade without her permission.
As she moved closer to the stage to strike Kunte who was preaching, the power of God hit her and she fell backward.
As to whether Zantuza regained consciousness or not is a story for another day

Samuel  Boateng


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