Zantuza was still on the floor, the crowd had dispersed abruptly leaving behind the Oralu brothers and a few converts. A light shown around them and none could bear the look at the beams of light. Zantuza gained consciousness and pleaded with the Oralu brothers to come and see her the next day early in the morning.
The night was indeed very long as Zantuza began to recall her encounter. Before she knew, she felt unconscious and immediately she found herself in a lonely path where at her right side was a place full of bright light and her left  side was a dark place with sparks of fire. She was very terrified because she felt a drag into that direction (dark place). She was screaming yet could only hear her echo and nobody came to her rescue. She was almost near the entrance to the dark place seeing agonizing people afar off, people screaming in pains and all sort of scary sounds. A creature was dragging her even though she could not describe the personality. She heard a loud voice. Leave my daughter alone! Leave my daughter alone! Leave my daughter alone! She was destroyed by satan due to her ignorance and succumbed to those deception. I am giving you a chance Zantuza. From today! you will not serve those worthless idols. Today marks the end of those bloody sacrifices and evil engagements you have been committed to. From this moment, you shall serve me alone. Even though you will suffer for my name sake, I will honor my name through you. Go forth and proclaim my word and listen to what the Oralu Brothers will teach you.
The Oralu Brothers honored Zantuza invitation. On reaching the palace, she had already prepared herself about to move out. She welcomed the brothers into her room. It was the first time somebody had entered her room ever since she became the Queen mother. She apologized  to the brothers of her intended evil acts and narrated everything to the  Oralu Brothers (Pastors) who gave thanks to God, prayed for her and destroyed all accoutrements she used in purporting  evil. She pleaded with the Oralu brothers to go to the shrine to burn off the place and clear it up because she does not see any reason for serving Zidotingo. According to her, when the power of God hit her she called upon the name of Zidotingo and there was no response.
The shrine was destroyed and fire was set to burn the whole shrine. News began to spread in the kingdom. Zantuza is getting mad… Zantuza is getting mad… Zantuza is getting mad.
Throngs of people gathered at the shrine seeing a ‘landmark’ utterly being destroyed by their Queen and fetish priestess. She responded,’ I am not mad as you think! I am very sound and I have made the best decision ever in my life.’ She further went on to say even if the community elders want a new leader, I will step down. From today I am going to Church and I will follow Jesus Christ and I want to encourage you to make that decision too.
News began to spread about the transformation of Zantuza. Many kings and Queens visited her to confirm her decision and through those visitation, most Kings and Queens renounced their pagan worship to become Christians and believe in Jesus Christ.
Most of the surrounding kingdoms began to surrender to their evil practices and began inviting the Oralu brothers to come and witness to them to also have the encounters of Zantuza and the transformed Tulua kingdom.
The Oralu Brothers imbibed into the new converts Christian ethics and also gave many expositions of the bible.
Time was due for the Oralu Brothers to bid farewell to the Tulua kingdom and to reach out to other unsaved kingdoms
Zantuza was ordained a deaconess and got married to Piatolo (a Pastor and personal assistant to the Oralu Brothers).
Till forever the Tulua kingdom will never forget how Zantuza renounced her  pagan faith to be a staunch Christian.

Jesus Is   Lord

Sam Elijah


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