Life is in phases and also men are in sizes. In my little journey of life, I have come to the realization that the perception about life is defined by individuals at the levels they find themselves. Till I cruised in the lakeside of the symphony lake in Singapore, I had a ghetto understanding about life. Our lives in our little world (ghetto) was to just hustle and fend for ourselves. We accepted our situation as poor and insignificant in our society. Our belief was to do the odd jobs the affluent will forever despised.
No one told us about the essence of education, savings, investments, buying properties, personal development and rightful living. My encounter with Maame Fanti brought a turning point in my life. After that encounter, I came to the realization that some misfortunes that were happening to me were not caused by some demons but as a result of ignorance and irresponsibility. I finally came to the realization that everyone is personally responsible for his or her own life.
Maame Fanti is a fifty-five year old trader who hails from Maiduguri. She has spent about 35 years in our community. How she came to this community is a story for another day.
I am a regular customer of Maame Fanti kelewele joint. Sorry, I did not introduce myself. I am Iyantu a former bus conductor. After my hard day’s work and receiving my commission, I would pass by this kelewele joint to have a wonderful treat. I spent about 80% of my entire commission just enjoying this wonderful kelewele.
Maame Fanti took notice of my careless spending and asked me few questions.
She asked, Iyantu!!!
What is your purpose in life?
Will you be a bus conductor all your life?
Do you have any financial plan?
Do you consider going back to school?
Do you know you are accountable to God and you answerable to Him someday?     
She shouted, Get serious with life! Do not be fooling around! Make an impact in your world and give your life to Jesus Christ!
I bowed my head in shame and I realized how I have wasted my time and years all these while.
Beloved, my encounter with Maame Fanti made me bid farewell to mediocrity and to desire more of exploits. Let’s not be careless with life and do not give life a common approach.
If you give life a common approach, you will end up a common man.
The continent of Africa is far behind approaching reproach due to careless leadership and development, whereas other continents are making discoveries of other planets, we are just struggling to discover the stratosphere.
This piece is to admonish you and I that our dreams are long overdue. We have procrastinated for a long time resulting in  the  stagnation of the economy. We have been plagued with all kinds of decline mentality and have accepted the status quo of inferiority.
Let’s sit up and take responsibility in redefining our destinies and also the continent of Africa.


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