Heroes of change have been swept away into exiles whiles ‘liberators’ have been brutally wounded and disabled for many years. This is the story of the African continent.
There is no developed nation in the world, rather developed people who develop their economies. One identification of greatness is responsibility. I believe the Lord has blessed the continent of Africa not only with resources but also with physical competency. Should Africa continually be a source of mockery for other ungodly nations to look down on us?
There is really nothing wrong with Africa; except we remove our feet from shrines, gorging our eyes from dependency, cut our ears from listening to fairy tales from wicked merchants and investors, shave our head from the load of mediocrity and gird our loins to be responsible.

What is the Waste Bin?
Where leaders will use their positions to amass wealth and buy all kinds of luxury to please themselves. These people do not care about the wellbeing of citizens rather they think about the next elections.

One may ask; are these people Christians?
My answer is, I wished not.

Are these leaders Moslems?
My answer is, Allah will be disappointed in them.

Are these leaders Traditionalists?
My answer is, the gods will be angry and disown them.

I have been privileged to travel extensively across the regions in Ghana. It is a shame to see the failure of our leaders.

I am not careful to say that if these leaders do not take care and seek the face of God and imbibe sound biblical doctrines, the wrath of God will visit them. This is not a threat neither a curse but a strong warning. There have been times where we hear of misappropriating of State funds. We should not be happy about it, rather we should be modest in being accountable.
The waste bin in Africa is full of rusted luxurious parts, rotten body parts, disposed business proposals, disposed excellent results, disposed talents and disposed leadership models.

Samuel  Elijah Boateng
President, The Central Focus


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