We get excited about travelling to Canada, USA, China, Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia, Spain, France, Israel, United Kingdom and other influential nations of the world.
Do we go to these nations because they are super-humans? Of course not. But due to favourable systems to all and sundry.
This is exactly the opposite in the continent of Africa. We have unfavourable systems (small systems) with ‘big men’. Foreigners basically come to this continent mainly for exploration and exploitation. Israel was a desolate nation, but despised that challenge and by taking responsibility, they have emerged a food exporting nation and brought attention to the world. The secret of Israel’s success and other great nations is not about physical prowess alone but the secrets lie underneath the skull.
The Ethiopian bus is full of Africa leaders on their way to Addis Ababa for their annual summits and to sit around tables being refreshed with biscuits and coffee.
What at all do they discuss? Yet there are debts experienced by all of these leaders which is likened to a Russian space shuttle going to Jupitar.
What is the cause of the unprogressive manifesto of the Ethiopian bus? How do we get rid of members on board and find competent ones who are not for their bellies but for the interest of all citizens. I am ashamed to tell you that the Ethiopian bus was even donated to us from people exploiting us. Our spacious meeting hub was donated by the man in gray suit. The members on board in this Ethiopian bus have not only failed us, but are themselves a failure. We will not stay silent about it. We will send our letters to the Almighty to sanction them and evict from their positions. It’s time for Africa to be on the world stage.   

Samuel Boateng
President, The Central Focus.   


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