Status is not transferable, if it were possible, our colonial masters would have transferred their structured and progressive nations to the continent of Africa (Ghana). There is a price to pay to make an impact. The misunderstanding of influence and taking responsibility into stardom has been the reason why Africa is where we are today. Many influential people in the helm of affairs in our country ‘think about what to get’ only very few ‘think about what to add’.
Our colonial masters regardless of the harm and the injection of the ‘dependency virus’ also brought civilization to us. The continent of Africa (Ghana) is long overdue to be on the world stage.

Who is the man in gray suit?
He looks like an innocent personality who wants to be of help to people. He has a deceptive smile, a chivalrous approach, holistic gestures and a tranquil tone.
Underneath the gray suit are daggers, ammunition, swords, chains and hypnotized powders. These accoutrements are used to operate against their hosts.
The man in gray suit is very nefarious. When he sees mineral resources, crude oil, water bodies and other appealing natural resources in any country especially in the continent of Africa, he will travel hundreds of miles with the intention to come and benefit at the expense of the owners.
Very shortly, the man in gray suit will sail out of our continent when we begin to be independent and take personal responsibilities.
Africa shall arise and bid farewell to the man in gray suit.

Samuel Elijah Boateng
President, The Central Focus.


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