THE   REBUKE

Auntie Bantuse has been a family friend for more than two decades. As I strolled along  the streets of Bincheratanga I met madam Mary who has same resemblance with Auntie Bantuse. Immediately, I recalled the moments I had with Auntie Bantuse.
Not long after I had arrived from a leadership conference in Port Harcourt,  I came home boasting  about  what I learnt and even began exposing some leadership deficiencies in my house. CAN YOU IMAGINE!
Auntie Bantuse took notice of my puffed up attitude and confronted me and till this day I cannot forget.
She said, Papuse, this so-called knowledge you have gone to acquire is of no value  if you do not put them into practice. Bear in mind that ideas are worthless without executions. She further continued, do not waste your time on unprofitable activities because anything not well managed is sure to be squandered. Desist from the attitude of sharing the glory where in actual fact you are doing nothing.
Be strategic in positioning yourself as a leader and with consistency your influence would impact generations. Be serious with life and seize reasonable opportunities geared towards your mission.
Distinction in life is not always about chains of degree but personal development in your passionate mission. Do not be fooled, not everyone at the market centre is trading. Not everyone at the airport is travelling.
Do not build your life based on assumptions because shallow men and women think of luck whiles responsible men and women think about cause and effects.
Get  serious and stop all those useless noise without acknowledging the Sovereignty of God.


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