Unprofitable Stories from the Pressman

Unprofitable Stories from the Pressman

The whistling sounds from a ‘poor wretched farmer’ as he carries his 30 tubers of yam, trekking for about 10 miles daily would never be heard of or interviewed by any of these broadcasting stations  to know his predicament and neglects, yet an argument about who is the richest in the city would be discussed even on national television.  This is the rottenness of our Press, not only in Ghana but in many African nations. Most of our stories are unprofitable, only causing mayhem and making noise all around.
Let a poor man in an unknown village lose his farmland due to fire outbreak or any natural disaster and believe you me the whole nation will never hear about it. But let a celebrity have a scratch on his or her car and it will be all over the media houses.
Dear Pressman and Presswoman, do not get excited about stories which are unprofitable and does not benefit the poorest regions in the country. Let us not be silent about corrupt practices and let’s not get involved in partisan politics which will not make us sincere in our reports. Let us be discrete in our communications and be willing to make the sacrifices which will bring out messages which we be a blessing to the nation.
Our mandates should not be compromised by the control of ‘big shots’ in our country.
Let us take pride in our work and together bring smiles to people simply because we brought to light their challenges.

Samuel Elijah Boateng
President, The Central Focus


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