How a Tertiary Student (Child of God) Will Exemplify the Ministry Of Jesus Christ in His or Her School

How a Tertiary Student (Child of God) Will Exemplify the Ministry Of Jesus Christ in His or Her School

Jesus Christ is the perfect example of mentorship for the believer. He is the author and finisher of our lives. Therefore His ministry and lifestyle is the foundation to every other mentorship. When you don’t have a mentor you suffer in the hands of tormentors. As a student (child of God), if you don’t emulate the life of Jesus, you may not do well.
The school of mentorship is appropriate in the journey of life. You may wander about in circles if you are not under any tutelage or instructions.
Our Lord Jesus Christ is our perfect example as children of God. He made reference in John 7: 16 Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me. This clearly shows how He emulated God in all things. There is a linear relationship between honor and leadership. Let’s have this understanding that whatever you honor, you are entitled to become; what you dishonor you forfeit. As a leader, you cannot step into a shoe you have not loosened the latchet.
This epistle seeks to lay the foundation between the leader and his or her academics, the leader and his or her roles and the misconceptions of student Christian leadership.
To begin with, the leader and his or her academics. As a leader, the place of priority should be noticed in every facet of your life. Prayerfulness, committee meetings, ministrations should not be substituted for the place of academics. As leaders let’s also recognize the importance of education and bid farewell to mediocal mindsets. The imbalance of academics and Christian leadership has rendered some to forfeit their great destinies. Lets acknowledge that when we limit everything to ‘grace’, we take away responsibility. There have been stories told of some Christian leaders on various campuses who do nothing concerning studies and cover up this lazy attitude in the name of the portfolios. It is time to get enlightened and gird up our loins to have a balance in our academic life as long as we handle our leadership roles. We have to study hard, be trail blazers and be an epitome for others to emulate. Our seriousness towards academics will change the status quo of the era where unbelievers are always ahead.
The next tenet worth discussing is the leader and his or her roles. What is leadership? Leadership is taking the lead for followers to follow. Jesus Christ did not only provide for His followers but also cared for their well-being.
 We cannot talk about the ministry of Jesus Christ without talking about sacrifice. A wise man from San Diego once said “doing your best is diligence; going beyond your best is sacrifice”. Our Lord Jesus Christ is a clear epitome of sacrifice. He had to sacrifice His life for the redemption of mankind and save it from damnation. Are you willing to sacrifice for your team members? Do you really care about them? What have you sacrificed for your members?
Narrowing my discussion to the roles of the leader, attention will be given to ‘leader-shift’.
Leader-shift is a transformation of the old ways of doing things to accepted contemporary acts. No matter how great you are as a leader, you cannot do everything on your own. The old system of doing every responsibility by yourself is long overdue. This is the reason for the numerous stress and all manner of unfulfillment. As a leader learn to give instructions and responsibilities to your followers so that they do not become idle and irresponsible. This has been some of the challenges in modern Christianity where ‘everything’ is done by the pastors or elders. This syndrome has cause less church growth because members are not given tasks to perform. As leaders it is incumbent to share leadership positions among your flocks so as to unearth their potentials. One African wise man said, ‘hardwork never kills, but wrong work’. Let’s appreciate that it is a great blessing to work in the vineyard of God and desist from all manner of silly excuses and murmuring when given a role to perform in a fellowship. Do not be intimidated, for the grace of God abounds and has given you unknown mindblowing potentials. Get up, be serious and take that portfolio. When you are truly dedicated to God, He crowns you with a colorful destiny.
Last but not least, misconceptions of student Christian leadership will be discussed. Let’s appreciate that we are in this world and we are not of this world. W            we are not the light of our school but the light of the world. Over the years Christians in leadership are seen as backsliders or busy bodies who have nothing to do with their lives. I made mention that it is all about priorities. With priorities I mean having an efficient time schedule of what to do and what not to do. The understanding of this will help us enjoy leadership. What have been some of the misconceptions of the Christian leader? Some do not graduate from school, some have bad results, some have huge debts, some even engage in immoral activities, some even live all kinds of life, etc. These misconceptions are not to scare you but to strengthen your feet like hinds feet so as to make the most of your portfolios with awesome achievements. The questions I would ask you, to close your mind on these misconceptions are?
Do you really love the Lord?  What is the word of God saying concerning your situation?
Jesus had 12 disciples, one backslid yet the rest carried on with the assignments He instructed and had profound reports. Will you want to be a John or Judas? The choice is yours!!!
In conclusion, I would admonish that leadership is all about gradual accomplishments. As Christians we cannot talk about great leaders without mentioning Joseph, Daniel, Cyrus, Jehoshaphat, David, Samuel and our Lord Jesus Christ. They were not just leaders but learners as well. They developed themselves in reading and getting informed. Bear in mind, to be informed is to be reformed and to be uninformed is to be deformed. Acquire knowledge their leader. Speaking in tongues is not a substitute for knowledge. I am not careful to say that most of you hardly read books on leadership yet you are leading people. Get informed.
We cannot finally draw down the curtains without talking about love among yourselves. Caring for one another, learning from one another, sharing with one another, praying and reading the bible together. This would build up a Eucharistic family of God. Enjoy your moments loving and serving God.
Jesus Is Lord


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