
No matter how wonderful a garden is, if it is not well pruned and trimmed consistently it will evolve into a forest; it’s only a matter of time.
In our traditional setting, we use the pick-axe mainly for ‘ground breaking’ (developmental projects) and ‘for digging graves’. Africa is truly a blessed continent. Not only in natural resources but beneficiaries of monumental structures left by our colonial masters. Where are these wonderful structures today? They are either in dilapidated conditions or sold to investors. Very often, government breaks ground for wonderful project but after completion they are poorly maintained.
Why the pickaxe?
Because we break grounds for the manifestation of a ‘vision’ and due to poor maintenance, the ‘vision’ becomes a waste.
 The culture of maintenance very shortly will be assimilated in the continent of Africa. This will increase the longevity of national assets.

Samuel Elijah Boateng.
President, The Central Focus. 


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